
Usual Pathogens
N. gonorrhoeae

- Hyperpurulent conjunctivitis that appears 2 to 4 days after birth.

- Hospitalization and Pediatric ID consult recommended.

- Irrigate eye hourly with normal saline until discharge eliminated.

- The mother and her sexual partner(s) should also be treated.


- All women should be screened and treated for sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy. 


Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Ceftriaxone 25-50mg/kg IV/IM once (max 125mg) 1 dose
C. trachomatis

- Hyperpurulent conjunctivitis that appears 3 to 10 days after birth.

- The mother and her sexual partner(s) should also be treated.


Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Azithromycin 20mg/kg PO/IV daily 3 days