
[Pediatr Child Health 2015;20:395-8]


- Scabies can affect the head/scalp of infants and young toddlers.

- Treatment of entire household recommended.

- Wash clothes and bedding. Use hot water (> 50°C) and dry on hot cycle. If item cannot be washed, store in plastic bags for 3-7 days. Vacuum mattresses.

- Lindane has been discontinued from the Canadian market (Feb 2012) as it is a persistent organic pollutant.

Usual Pathogens

Sarcoptes scabiei (subsp hominis)

Infants <3 months of age

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Sulphur 5% in petroleum Apply hs for 3 nights, wash off 24 hours after last application 3 doses

Infants and children >3 months of age

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Permethrin 5% cream (Nix®) Infants
Apply on head and body, wash off in 8-14 hours
1 application
Apply over entire body below the head, wash off in 8-14 hours
1 application

Alternative in children >15 kg

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Ivermectin 200µg/kg PO 1 dose. Repeat in 2 weeks