Children - erysipelas

- Presents acutely with red, shiny, sharply demarcated border, no fluctuance, and with systemic symptoms.

- If facial, typically has butterfly pattern, +/- ear involvement.

- If extremities, check between toes for fissures +/- tinea pedis; previous streptococcal infection a risk factor.

Usual Pathogens

Group A Streptococci

No/mild systemic symptoms

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Penicillin VK 25-50mg/kg/d PO div tid-qid 5 days
Amoxicillin 40mg/kg/d PO div tid 5 days

ß-lactam allergy

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Clindamycin 20-40mg/kg/d PO div qid 5 days

Moderate-severe systemic symptoms

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Penicillin G 250,000-400,000 units/kg/d IV div q6h 5-10 days
Ampicillin 100-200mg/kg/d IV div q6h 5-10 days

ß-lactam allergy

Empiric Therapy Dose Duration
Clindamycin 20-40mg/kg/d IV div q8h 5-10 days
Vancomycin 60mg/kg/d IV div q6h 5-10 days