Pneumonia, Ventilator-associated (VAP)
[Clin Infect Dis 2016;63:e61-111, Eur Resp J 2017;50:1700582]
VAP = pneumonia that develops > 48-72h after intubation.
- elevate head of bed 30°- 45°
- oral care with chlorhexidine
- oral endotracheal intubation preferred to nasotracheal - avoid re-intubation if possible
- remove NG, ET tubes ASAP
- continuous sub-glottic suctioning
- limit stress ulcer prophylaxis
- appropriate infection control measures, including hand hygiene in healthcare workers.
NB: Start antibiotics as soon as diagnosis is considered likely.
- Endotracheal (ET) aspirate with Gram stain and C&S recommended. Significant if increased purulence (3-4+ WBC), intracellular organisms present, and/or predominant organism.
- Bronchoscopically obtained specimens may be considered in immunocompromised patients.
- Insufficient evidence that administration of topical (nebulized or instilled via ET tube) antibiotics as an adjunct to systemic antibiotics is beneficial.